B4SI News

B4SI Annual Review 2024: Celebrating 30 Years of Social Impact

On behalf of the global network of members, the B4SI team is delighted to share the 2024 Annual Review, a milestone publication celebrating three decades of Business for Societal Impact (B4SI).


 Read Now: B4SI Annual Review 2024


This review not only honours our history – it is also a testament to the progress we’ve made together with our members and partners around the world in the past 30 years.

This year’s review celebrates the journey of B4SI members and partners in driving societal progress while addressing the pressing challenges of our time, particularly social inequality and corporate responsibility.

In 2023/24, B4SI members have collectively invested US $2.6 billion globally and reached 52.8 million beneficiaries through their impact programmes.


📄 What’s Inside the 2024 Annual Review?

  • Our Origin Story: Reflecting on the evolution of B4SI, from a pioneering idea to a global network.
  • 10 Years of Benchmarking Data: Insights and trends from a decade of community impact measurement.
  • 2024 in Focus: A comprehensive reflection on the contributions and achievements of our members in the past year.
  • Member Success Stories: How B4SI members are using the Framework to deliver measurable, impactful results across their operations based around the four key pillars we use to guide companies on their social impact journey: Plan, Implement, Measure, Report & Engage.
  • Collaborations and Alliances: How B4SI continues to adapt to evolving challenges, like addressing systemic inequality, by collaborating with other like-minded organisations, including our formal inclusion in the Business Commission to Tackle Inequality (BCTI).
  • Innovation: Updates to our platform, resources and tools, like the new B4SI Hub and our first AI team memberAstra.
  • A Look Ahead: Challenges and opportunities for businesses to take societal impact to the next level in 2024 and beyond.


💬 We want to hear from you!

What insights from this year’s review resonate with you? Share your thoughts using the hashtag #B4SI on social media or email us directly at: mail@b4si.net



Through collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to measurable impact, B4SI supports businesses in their journey to create a more equitable and sustainable future.

We invite you to join our growing network of over 160 businesses to navigate the challenging world of social impact. B4SI provides access to globally-recognised and peer-reviewed methodologies, guidance, knowledge, and tools to meet current business goals and ensure member companies stay ahead in a fast-evolving landscape.

Together, we are shaping the future of corporate social responsibility.


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