Additional Services

Effective Partnering

A B4SI facilitated process of engagement between corporate and community partner to embed a shared understanding of the B4SI framework and its application in the context of the partnership.

Workshops are designed and delivered to maximise collaboration between corporate and community partner, and includes impact measurement, capacity strengthening, impact metric co-creation and development with a view to supporting effective communication of the collectively ways forward.

Through this process, the partnership(s) gains an understanding of the pain points experienced by both parties in reporting impact and develop a plan to overcome them.

Strengthen partnerships by carving out time for shared learning and growth in impact measurement understanding and capability.

Setting expectations regarding impact measurement with community partners and collaborating on agreed roles and responsibilities for effective partnering.

Align strategic priorities and agree on target areas of change to be tracked and measured on an annual basis using the B4SI impact framework. 

Align strategic priorities and agree on target areas of change to be tracked and measured on an annual basis using the B4SI impact framework. 


Our B4SI team can facilitate a process of co-creation of impact indicators or metrics to enable progress tracking and to underpin the reason for the partnership’s existence.

Additionally, we offer bespoke training for multiple partners in the same workshop or separate workshop sessions for different partners as well a framework development and project planning.

    Benefits & Outcomes


    Community Partner is aligned to the Corporate’s impact strategy in its deliverables


    Clarity of roles and responsibilities for data reporting and clarity of strategic intent for partnership


    Targeted data is collected to facilitate measurement of inputs, outputs and impacts in relation to the funded activity


    An Action Plan (including next steps) on agreed data collection methods, reporting and partnership growth and development

    Strengthen your community partnerships and improve the effectiveness of your social impact reporting