This month we welcomed Transurban to the LBG community and asked their Social Investment Manager Krystin Dudley a few questions about their program and why they joined LBG.
What are your priorities for social impact in the short and longer term?
Short term: To simplify our impact measurement framework and get the right processes in place to collect the data from internal and external stakeholders. To garner support of the framework internally and get good buy in across the business – to assist with the adherence to internal processes later down the track.
Long term: to have a clear, succinct impact measurement report that demonstrates our commitment to community investment and is the basis for a strong and compelling narrative. To have one source of truth in this space to eliminate the resource intensive data collection processes that are currently in place come reporting time.
Why have you chosen to use the LBG framework?
I have attended a few LBG conferences and love the idea of being a part of that network of likeminded organisations and individuals. I also received strong references from other top ASX organisations. Plus the ease of use along with the support provided.
How do you plan to use the data and insights from LBG?
To form the basis of a corporate narrative around investment and to contribute to corporate reporting, including ASX notes and CEO speeches.
To help us tell the story of what we are doing in a stronger, more compelling way.