2020 LBG Annual Conference APAC

Understanding the ‘S’ in ESG

  • Program and speaker biographies
  • Links and further reading

DAY 1: Wednesday 25 November – Social impact in action

All times are in Australian Eastern Daylight Time

12:00pm Opening and introductory remarks
Simon J Robinson, Director, Corporate Citizenship
Thomas Milburn, Regional Director Asia for Corporate Citizenship
12:10pm Welcome from the Chair
Susan Mizrahi, Chair, LBG and Chief Sustainability Officer, Australia Post
12:15pm Social impact story: Maybank Heart – Shahril Azuar Jimin, CEO, Maybank Foundation
12:25pm Setting the scene – How has social impact changed in 2020?
Directors of Corporate Citizenship from around the world reflect on the S in ESG
12:35pm Keynote: What does the ‘Social’ mean to investors?
Robert DornauDirector, Corporate Engagement & ESG Marketing at S&P Global (Managers of DJSI)
12:50pm Panel discussion: What does the S in ESG mean for business?
Social impact leaders unpack the themes from the keynote and explore what the S in ESG means for their business.

1:10pm Social impact conversation with Duncan Paterson, Head of ESG, ISS
1:15pm Social impact story: ANZ MoneyMinded – Janet Liu, Senior Manager Financial Inclusion and Community Engagement, ANZ
1:25pm Breakout rooms: Ask your questions of the panel
1:40pm Social impact story: Woodside Energy and Save the Children Navigator’s program – Jason Tither, Save the Children and Janella Isaac, Navigator



Social impact conversation with Dr Simon Longstaff AO FCPA, Executive Director, The Ethics Centre
Wrap up and final remarks
Susan Mizrahi, Chair, LBG and Chief Sustainability Officer, Australia Post
2:00pm Networking (optional)

DAY 2: Wednesday 2 December – From measurement to management

All times are in Australian Eastern Daylight Time

12:00pm Opening and introductory remarks
Simon J Robinson, Director at Corporate Citizenship
12:10pm Welcome from the new LBG Chair
12:15pm Social impact story – QBE – Lauren Hicks, Senior Manager Sustainability at QBE Insurance
12:25pm What’s changed over the years?
The founders of LBG and past LBG Chairs explore the evolution of social impact
12:40pm Breakout: What has changed during your career and what’s next?
12:50pm Tools in the toolbox – Health check preview
Tara James, Senior Consultant, Corporate Citizenship
1:10pm Social impact conversation with Mark Daniels, Social Traders
1:15pm Social impact story – Stockland
1.25pm Reporting & Benchmarking data
Jennifer Saunders, Associate Director, Corporate Citizenship
1:35pm Social impact story: Suncorp and VicSES – Linda Henry, Susan Davie, Hannah McDougall
1:45pm Insights from 2020 Social Impact Knowledge Exchange
1:50pm Social impact conversation with Jarrod Miles, Strive Philanthropy
1:55pm Interactive workshops exploring Business for Societal Impact
2:25pm Wrap up and final remarks

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Links and further reading